Statement on Assisted Dying from MND Scotland CEO, Rachel Maitland

The topic of assisted dying is receiving a significant amount of media attention due to legislation currently before both the UK and Scottish Parliaments. We understand this can be an emotive subject for many, and particularly our community because MND is a terminal illness. We, therefore, felt it important to share an update on MND Scotland’s position on assisted dying.  

MND Scotland is, and always will be, a safe space for people living with MND to receive support. We do not, and will not, ask for individual views because we have a neutral stance on assisted dying. We believe this enables us to best support our community and ensures everyone feels able to access our services regardless of personal views.  

However, holding a neutral stance does not mean doing nothing. We are engaged with the Scottish Parliament process on the legislation to the extent that, should the legislation be passed, it does not inadvertently discriminate against any member of the MND community.  

Our response to the call for views on the consultation is publicly available and can be read here. You can also read our statement on assisted dying on our website here. 

MND Scotland has been invited to take part in an oral evidence session early next year with the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee. This is the Committee scrutinising the legislation. We are one of many organisations participating in this evidence gathering and will do so from our position of neutrality. Our evidence will be based solely on the practical implications for people with MND of the legislation in its current form.  

MND Scotland is here for everyone affected by MND. Please visit our website to find more information on the many ways we can support you. or contact us on 0141 332 3903.  

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