
Read real stories from people affected by MND, get inspired by the incredible ways people are supporting our cause and hear more about the latest advancements in research, care and support.​


Aberdeen Mechanic Diagnosed with MND

Ian Robb, from Aberdeen, was left devastated when he was diagnosed with MND on his daughter's birthday.

Glasgow nurse Marlene raises over £600 in memory of her Dad.

Marlene takes on Firewalk and Glasswalk for MND Scotland.

Firewalk and Glasswalk raises over £12,000 for MND Scotland

Fiona and Maxine walk on broken glass and fiery embers for MND Scotland.

Mum and daughter to walk on fire and glass in memory of MND Dad

Erica and Abbi will take on the MND Scotland Fire and Glasswalk in memory of Mark.

Brave Pamela takes on Firewalk for M&S colleague Betty

Pamela Christie is braving the flames for colleague Betty following her diagnosis with MND.

MND affects thinking in up to 80 per cent of patients, study finds

According to a new study, people with MND may face changes in their thinking and behaviour.

Krystin to scale the Forth Bridge in memory of Patricia

A mother-daughter duo is gearing up to take on a Forth Bridge abseil for MND Scotland.

Why I decided to become an Occupational Therapist

Gemma Catton knew she wanted to become an Occupational Therapist after losing her mother to MND.

MND Fellows 2018

People living with MND are being sought to become 'MND Fellows' ahead of the International Symposium on ALS /MND in Glasgow in December 2018.