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MND Scotland Research

New dataset could reveal effective methods of treating MND

Researchers have generated a dataset describing hundreds of changes to the connections between brain cells in people with motor neuron disease.

MND Scotland funded project to explore crucial aspect of MND

Dr Jenna Gregory joins our community of researchers to investigate the communication between nerve cells and microglia.

Research suggests increased risk of MND in international rugby players

Researchers have found that former international-level rugby players may be more likely to develop motor neuron disease.

National Scottish survey launched for people affected by MND

MND Scotland launches national survey to explore challenges facing people affected by MND across Scotland.

MND-SMART becomes UK’s biggest ever MND clinical trial

Landmark MND clinical drug trial recruits 400 people with motor neuron disease, making it the biggest of its kind.

New drug shows promise in slowing the progression of MND

Scientists believe a new genetically-targeted therapy could be a turning point for people living with motor neuron disease.

Existing drug shows potential as new MND therapy

A repurposed drug was found to protect motor neurons in a study funded by MND Scotland.
£4.25 million grant kick starts UK-wide effort to end MND

£4.25 million grant kick starts UK-wide effort to end MND

MND Scotland is part of a new collaborative partnership which has awarded £4.25 million to MND researchers.
Guest blog: New research study on making treatment decisions in MND

Guest blog: New research study on making treatment decisions in MND