Pushing the boat out for motor neuron disease – inspired by rugby legend Kevin Sinfield CBE, supporter completes seven half marathons to raise funds for MND Scotland

Shetland Islands local, Jeff Dobson has completed the incredible challenge of running seven half marathons in seven days, in support of his father who is living with motor neuron disease (MND). 

The father of one, Jeff Dobson, 33, from the Shetland Islands, works as a Client Success Lead for a software company. Jeff and his wife Jacqueline – also from the Shetland Islands – both studied at University in Glasgow.

After living in the city for 14 years, the couple decided to move back to the Shetland Islands at the start of 2023 as a new job opportunity became available for Jacqueline as a Specialist Nurse in her hometown. The couple have a son, Jason, 2.

Jason, Jeff, and Jacqueline

Although they were happy to move back to the Shetland Islands, it was a difficult time for the family as Jeff’s dad, Tony, received an MND diagnosis shortly afterwards.

Dad, Tony (left), and son, Jeff (right)

Jeff said: “In Summer 2023, dad was experiencing ‘drop foot’, he was struggling to lift his toes on his own, and he then began to limp. Through the winter months, he attended lots of appointments and MRI scans to find out the cause of the problems he was experiencing. In March, he was told he had motor neuron disease. Looking back now, there were clear signs but MND never crossed my mind”.

Father and son have always been close. Growing up in the Shetland Islands, Jeff has fond memories of them both being involved in sailing across the Island, and both enjoy following rugby.

After receiving the diagnosis, Tony’s MND progressed very quickly. He soon lost his ability to walk, the strength in his arms and legs started to go, and his speech has become slower. Later this month, Jeff’s mum and dad will travel to Aberdeen so Tony can be fitted with an NIV (non-invasive ventilation).

In addition to MND, Tony is bravely battling prostate cancer and has been living with CROHNS’s disease for over 35 years. Despite his health issues, Tony doesn’t let this hold him back and continues to work within the local council housing office.

On hearing Tony’s diagnosis, Jeff said: “We were all in shock. We just couldn’t believe it. As a keen rugby player and follower, MND is something I have been increasingly aware of through the awareness raised by Doddie Weir, Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield. Jacqueline and I have taken part in Doddie Aid each year, but I felt that it was time to step up to an even greater challenge in the fight against MND.

Jason, 2, took part in the ‘Toddler Dash’ in Glasgow on Saturday 5 October 2024

“My mum and dad received a lot of support from MND Scotland. The team helped us with applying for grants, support with filling in forms, and helped with finding out what support was available. Once my dad received his diagnosis and the news sank in, I knew I wanted to fundraise. Organising a challenge in support of my dad really gave the family something to focus on”.

Friends joined Jeff on part of the challenge

Beginning on 6 October and covering a total distance of 100 miles in 7 days, Jeff embarked on his ‘7 in 7’ challenge by first taking on the Great Scottish Run in Glasgow on 6 October and completed a further 6 half marathons back home in Shetland.

He planned the routes to ensure he started and finished at sailing clubs around the island. He began the final day of his challenge at the sailing club where his dad once volunteered, and finished at his parents home where family, friends and supporters were all there to cheer him on at the finish line.

He said: “I’ve always been active but wouldn’t describe myself as a runner by any means. I enjoy rugby and the gym, and that’s how I keep fit. I’ve completed two half marathons previously; however, I wanted to do something that would challenge me even further.

“Throughout the week, there were lots of people at each sailing club to cheer me on. Seeing the amount of funds that have been raised so far is overwhelming. It was more than I could ever have imagined. It made all of those, miles, training and slight injuries worth it in the end.”

Friends and family all supported Jeff in his challenge

Family, friends and the local community all supported Jeff as he received over 380 donations. Some family and friends helped completed the challenge by running with Jeff for the last half marathon. Local sailing clubs also organised charity fundraising nights in support of his challenge and raised a significant amount of funds from donations.

Jeff at the finish line on the final day

As a result of Jeff’s hard work and dedication, he has raised over £18,000 which will be split across four charities – with MND Scotland receiving half of the money raised. The funds will go directly to support for those affected by motor neuron disease, while also funding vital research into the disease.

Jeff, with Fundraising Lead for MND Scotland, Fiona Gibson

MND Scotland would like to thank Jeff for taking on such an ambitious challenge to help make time count for people affected by motor neuron disease. Thanks also goes to his family, friends, local community members and sailing clubs who all supported him in completing this incredible challenge. If you would like to donate to his page, please click here.

For more information about MND Scotland and how we can support you or your family, please visit: www.mndscotland.org.uk, email: info@mndscotland.org.uk or call: 0141 332 3903.

Photos by Brian Gray. 

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