Charity Trustee honours parents with 80-mile fundraising walk

In a heartwarming tribute to the lasting impact of his parents, charity trustee Donald Macleod has taken on a remarkable 80-mile walk to raise money for MND Scotland.  

Donald Macleod took on the Speyside Way fundraising challenge between 1st – 4th September, more than 42 years after his father set up the charity following his diagnosis with motor neuron disease (MND).  

MND is a rapidly progressing terminal illness which stops the signals from the brain reaching the muscles. This can cause people to lose the ability to walk, talk, eat and drink, and eventually breathe unaided. Average life expectancy is just 18 months from diagnosis.  

His father, who was just 33 years old when he was diagnosed, set up MND Scotland from his living room, supported by his loving wife Peigi, as well as their family and friends. Today MND Scotland supports hundreds of families and individuals impacted by MND across Scotland. The charity also funds cutting-edge MND research, including MND-SMART – the UK’s biggest ever MND clinical drug trial.  

Donald said:My father was a police officer and when I was a young child he was like a hero to me. My mother, who is now retired, was a nurse. Together they set-up MND Scotland from our living room with the help of family and friends. Their commitment to duty and service in their lives has been an enormous inspiration in my own life too. I’m very proud of what they achieved and I’m thrilled that, as of April this year, I am now able to add my contribution as a member of the charity’s Board of Trustees.”  

Now Donald has gone one step further by taking on a fundraising challenge to help raise awareness of MND and raise funds to support the charity’s vital work.  

You can add your contribution to Donald’s team fundraising challenge by donating directly at: Donald Macleod is fundraising for MND Scotland (

He continued: “I took on the Speyside Way fundraising challenge with a group of six, all current police or ex-police. In the past we’ve done the West Highland Way, the Great Glen, and the Robroy Way for MND Scotland. One of the group wanted to get us back together for a new challenge so we tried to line-up our schedules.  

“We chose the Speyside Way because, at 80 miles long, it’s a big challenge but also doable in three and a half days for all of us in the group. It starts off quite intense but there’s the added benefits of walking through distillery country. Some of the men in the group have a real penchant for good whisky, so it was an extra hook to make the fundraising challenge an unforgettable experience. We approached local distilleries to see if they’d be willing to donate us any bottles of whisky which we can then auction off for MND Scotland to raise even more funds. 

“I know I speak for everyone on the challenge when I say we are humbled and immensely grateful for the outpouring of support we’ve received. Every donation, big or small, plays a pivotal role in supporting people living with MND across Scotland. We are deeply moved by everyone who has contributed so far.”  

Gillian McManus, from MND Scotland, said: “With each step along the Speyside Way, Donald honoured not just the legacy of his father but the countless lives that have been touched by his family’s commitment to helping others going through an MND diagnosis.   

“On behalf of MND Scotland I’d like to thank Donald and all of the team for taking on this amazing fundraising challenge for MND Scotland.” 

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