New MND Platform Launched Today

CARE-MND integrates clinical care, audit, research and evaluation to provide ongoing comprehensive monitoring of every person living with MND in Scotland.

The platform will transform Scotland into an international leader in clinical care, research and trials.

CARE-MND, which is a collaborative initiative supported by the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, MND Scotland and the Euan MacDonald Centre for MND Research, was launched today by Dr Suvankar Pal at the MND Scotland Study Day for healthcare professionals in Perth.

The platform has its own website,, which provides up-to-date care and research information, and will act as a hub for people living with MND in Scotland and their clinical professionals.

Dr Pal, Consultant Neurologist at NHS Forth Valley and the University of Edinburgh, said “We are delighted to launch this innovative venture in providing consistent first class care for people with MND right across the country. Through the platform, we can give people living with MND the opportunity to participate in research if they so wish, and provide a solid foundation for future clinical trials. Importantly, we aim to empower people living with MND in Scotland in shaping future clinical care and research.”

Craig Stockton, chief executive of MND Scotland, said “A key objective of MND Scotland’s current strategic plan is to provide hope to those affected by MND. One of the ways of doing this is to provide opportunities for people to take part in research. The CARE-MND platform that is being launched today gives people that opportunity. By bringing together the clinical and research aspects of MND, the foundations are being laid to attract clinical trials to Scotland.”

The CARE-MND team encourages everyone living with MND in Scotland to register his or her interest on the CARE-MND website, to give permission for a member of the team to get in touch with them.

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