MND Scotland survey launched to gather views on neurological care

We’ve launched a survey to gather your views on the future of neurological care in Scotland.

The survey has been created to gather your opinions so that MND Scotland can respond to the recent publication of new draft standards for neurological care and support.

The seven standards, published by Healthcare Improvement Scotland, aim to improve outcomes in care and support for all adults regardless of neurological condition, geographical location or an individual’s personal circumstances.

In particular, Standard 4 sets out the criteria for diagnosing neurological conditions “accurately and with a person-cantered approach”. Once published, the standards will be used by all healthcare professionals to ensure they are delivering the best care possible for people with neurological conditions like Motor Neurone Disease.

MND Scotland will be responding to the consultation on the draft standards to share our views on how they should look for people with MND. Your views will be incorporated into the response so that your own experiences can shape the new standards.

Please complete the survey before Friday 9 November, and tell us what you think.

The survey should take around 10 minutes of your time.

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