Gordon Aikman Award open for 2021

Applications are now open for the 2021 Gordon Aikman Award, an annual £50,000 fund set-up to support projects, which aim to improve the lives of people affected by MND.

Established in 2017, the award is made in recognition of the outstanding contribution MND campaigner, Gordon Aikman, made to improving the clinical care of MND in Scotland and his passion for delivering clinical trials.

This award is joint-funded by MND Scotland and the Scottish Government, with an annual £25,000 investment from each, making its total value £50,000 per year.

Funding is available to clinical researchers and healthcare workers in NHS Scotland or Scottish Higher Education Institutions, for projects directly relevant to the care or management of people with MND. The award can be made either as a whole or in several smaller packages, for projects running from 1-2 years. Awards of up to 3 years will be made in exceptional circumstances. 

Administered by the University of Edinburgh, proposals must meet at least one of the following criteria: 

  • is of relevance to the care/management of people with MND
  • has the potential to make a difference to direct patient care
  • is of significant importance and value to the NHS

2021 applications are now open until 5pm on Friday 22nd January 2021. For more information on the criteria, funding and the application process, visit the University of Edinburgh.

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