The registration desk was mobbed with over 200 people ready to sign up on the day. The crowds wondered around the park soaking up the unexpected sunshine, eating hot dogs, purchasing a variety of delicious home-baked goods and getting artistic with the face-painter – the cornflower being our favourite of course!
10.45am came around quickly and everyone was buzzing with excitement as the tunes blasted out and the warm-up session began. The atmosphere was electric.
As the clock struck 11am throngs of supporters gathered around the start line and 1,040 participants took off around the Loch, cheering as they went. For the next 20 minutes or so there was silence… apart from the music blaring around the course.
Then we saw our first runner appearing in the distance. Lewis (16) came speeding through the finish line after completing the 4 mile route. More and more people started to arrive back at the park, collecting their complimentary banana, water and goodie bag (including the coveted caramel wafer!)
Runners and walkers alike were welcomed back by loved ones and the MND Scotland team of staff and volunteers. Lots of people took advantage of the free massages being offered and relaxed in the park waiting for the others to arrive.
As the final walkers reached the finish line there was a feeling of accomplishment in air and we are proud of everyone who took part. The day finished with our CEO, Craig Stockton, handing out the winners’ trophies. Congratulations to all the victors and to everyone else for finishing! We had an amazing day and hope you did too. We’d also like to say a huge thanks to everyone who made this day possible.
Special thanks go:
- Everyone who participated
- All volunteers and staff
- Laura Graham and her team for providing hot dogs
- John and Anne Bellshaw for their home-baking
- Tunnocks for the caramel wafers
- Highland Spring for the water