This Carers Week people across the UK will raise awareness of the incredible role unpaid carers play in our society. We will be shining a light on the experience of those who care for a loved one with motor neuron disease (MND). Too often unpaid carers fall through the cracks and miss out on much-needed support.
Caring for a loved one with MND can be relentless and exhausting, and those providing such care often do so with little support or training.
But not everyone who provides care sees themselves as a carer. Only 4% of respondents to our national survey last year identified themselves as carers. Many more people see what they do to be part of their role as a partner, spouse, family member or friend. Yet, under the Carers (Scotland) Act (2016) carers have rights to support and protection. MND Scotland, through our services and policy work, strives to help carers of people with MND access the support they need and are entitled to.
With the focus of this year’s Carers Week being ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community’, over the next four days we will be highlighting four stories from people who have cared for, or currently care for, loved ones with MND*. These stories will play an important role in raising awareness and setting the scene for our policy work over the coming months as we continue to influence and shape developments in social care, and support for unpaid carers, at a national level.
If you have experience of providing or receiving care and would like to be involved in shaping our policy work on issues affecting you, or sharing your stories, please email us at
MND Scotland is here to support you. If you are currently facing issues with care, or providing care, please get in touch with us at We offer services like advocacy to help you to understand your rights and support you with issues such as navigating access to care. We also offer support with finances, grants and wellbeing services, including counselling for anyone affected by MND.
* Providing and receiving care is individual and will depend on many factors. If you have been affected by MND, these stories may, or may not reflect your experiences.